Earthcore Industries
Isokern Maximus Linear Series Gas Fireplace
B-Vent Metal Chimney - General Information
The Maximus Linear Series Fireplaces are tested and listed for use with the specified factory-built metal B-Vent
Chimney Systems. The design and installation require that the system use the Metal-Fab Type B Gas Vent Chimney System.
(UL 441 & ULC S605) Type B Gas Vent
The selected, approved chimney manufacturer must provide the masonry anchor plate with down draft diverter
designed to fit their flue system.
All chimneys and chimney liners must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions and
under the terms of their listing for use with open faced fireplaces.
Refer to metal flue manufacturer for number of offsets, approved chimney shrouds, clearance to combustibles and any
information specific to that flue system.
B-Vent Chimney is not designed for use on products that operate at continuous
temperatures in excess of 1000°F.
Never fill any required clearance space with insulation or any other building materials surrounding the chimney.
Exterior metal parts, with exception of the top portion of the chimney cap, can be painted with a high temperature rust
proof paint. Wash the metal surface with a vinegar and water solution to remove any residue before painting. Painting the
chimney will help to increase chimney life.
Interior chimneys shall be enclosed where they extend through closets, storage areas, occupied spaces, or anywhere
the surface of the chimney could be contacted by persons or combustible materials. The air space between the outer wall
of the chimney and the enclosure shall not be less than 1 inches.
Except for installation in one or two family dwellings, a factory built chimney that extends through any zone above that
on which the connected appliance is located is to be provided with an enclosure having a fire resistance rating equal to or
greater than that of the floor or roof assemblies through which it passes.
In cold climates, chimneys mounted on an outside wall should be enclosed in a chase. Exterior chases reduce
condensation and enhance draft.
Proper planning for your B-Vent Chimney installation will result in greater safety, efficiency and convenience. You must
use only B-Vent Chimney parts and components to maintain a listed chimney system. Do not mix parts or try to match with
other products or use improvised solutions.
Install your Isokern fireplace as described in this installation manual and maintain all required clearances.
Connect only one fireplace per chimney. Follow the fireplace safety manual for maximum efficiency and safety. Do not
over fire. Any damage to the fireplace or chimney can possibly void the warranty.
Do not burn wood, driftwood, plastic, or chemically treated wood such as railroad ties. They are corrosive to your
chimney system.
A major cause of chimney related fires is failure to maintain required clearance (air spaces)
to combustible material*. Minimum clearance for 12” diameter b-vent chimney is one (1)
inches. It is of utmost importance that this chimney is installed only in accordance with these