The material contained in this document is the property of Electronics & Innovation Ltd., it is
subject to change without notice.
July 2012 Revision I
PSU fault (internal fault in the main switching power supply)
In the event of a fault, the unit may be reset by either cycling the power. In the
case over an over temp fault, ensure that the air inlet and out let are unclogged
and unrestricted. If the fault persists, please contact Field Service.
2.3.3 RS 232 Interface
The 2100L features a standard RS-232 serial interface suitable for connection to
a PC or host system. The communication protocol is extremely simple to
facilitate readback and control with readily available terminal programs such as
Hyperterm. The RS-232 link has the following parameters:
Baud rate:
Data bits:
Stop bits:
Flow control: none
An example configuration using HyperTerminal on a PC is shown in figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2: Example RS-232 setup using Hyper Terminal