Full Chart
This is the default mode used when
the Accura 240 is first turned on. The
bottom signal scrolls across the screen
from right to left. Depth scales on the
right side of the screen makes it easy
to determine the depth of fish, struc-
ture, and other objects. The line at the
top of the screen represents the sur-
face. The bottom depth shows at the
top left corner of the screen. The word
"AUTO" at the screen's top center
shows that the Accura 240 is in the
automatic mode, freeing you from sen-
sitivity, range, and noise rejection adjustments.
Split Chart
A split chart shows the underwater
world from the surface to the bottom
on the right side of the screen. The left
side shows an enlarged version of the
right side. The zoom range shows at
the bottom of the screen. In this ex-
ample, the zoom range is 2X, or two
times the right side's view. By pressing
the ZOUT and ZIN keys, you can
change the left side's zoom from 2X to
4X and back.
This feature converts all echoes to short
horizontal lines on the display’s far right
side. The graph continues to operate nor-
mally. FASTRAK gives you a rapid update
of conditions directly under the boat. This
makes it useful for ice fishing, or when
you’re fishing at anchor. Since the unit is not
moving, fish signals are long, drawn out
lines on a normal chart display. FASTRAK
makes a useful addition to fishing at a sta-
tionary location.
All depth alarms and automatic features are turned off when the Fastrak
feature is turned on!