© E-mu Systems, Inc. 1985
Page 35
Enhanced by The Emulator Archive 2002
You may copy a segment to one or more other segments. For example,
suppose you set up a great hi-hat and bass drum pattern in segment 54. Now
suppose you want segment 55 to contain a snare part recorded over the basic
bass drum/hi-hat pattern, and segment 56 to contain a tom part recorded over
the same basic bass drum/hi-hat part. Rather than having to re-create the hi-
hat and bass drum pattern for segments 55 and 56, you may simply copy
segment 54 to segments 55 and 56 (or any segment to any other segment, of
course). You may also repeat a segment up to 99 times by copying a segment
to itself (“append” mode).
1. You must be in segment mode and the SP-12 must be stopped.
2. Press COPY. The display asks for the two-digit segment number to be
copied, which may be keyed in via the keypad or accessed with the Right
Arrow and Left Arrow buttons. When the display confirms your choice, press
3. The display now asks for the two-digit segment number to be copied to, which
may be keyed in via the keypad or accessed with the Right Arrow and Left
Arrow buttons. When the display confirms your choice, press ENTER.
4. If you entered the same number for both the segment to be copied and the
segment to be copied to (e.g. segment 23 to be copied into segment 23), the
SP-12 will go into append mode and the display will ask you how many times
you want the segment to play, up to 99 times. For example, if you want
segment 23 to play through three times instead of just once, you would enter
03. This number may be keyed in via the keypad or accessed with the Right
Arrow and Left Arrow buttons. When the display confirms your choice, press
Copying to a segment erases any existing information in the segment to
which you are copying. Therefore, if you copy to a segment that already contains
data the display will ask you whether you want to overwrite or not. Trying to copy
from an empty segment produces the display “segment empty”.
You cannot “unappend” a segment once you’ve appended it. So, if’ you want to keep
a segment but also create a longer, appended version, first copy the segment you
want to append to another segment. Next, append this second segment. The second
segment will contain the appended version of the original segment, yet the original
segment still exists in its unaltered form.
You may re-copy an already copied segment.
Long segments use up a lot of memory. If you plan to repeat a segment several
times, it’s better to use the song mode repeat commands as described in Section 3F.
However, if you plan to modify some parts of the appended segment, then it is
necessary to append.