8.0 Lithium Battery Replacement Instructions
The E-Mon D-Mon® Green Class Net Meter has a Lithium Battery Cell, which is
used to retain the contents of SRAM and the RTC during power outages. The bat-
tery has a life expectancy greater than 8 years.
Battery Specifi cations: 25 Degree Celsius
Nominal Working Voltage:
3.5VDC Output
Nominal Current Capacity:
350 mAHr
Cell Chemical:
Lithium-Thionyl Chloride
Operating Temperature Range:
-40 to +95 Celsius
Manufacturers Part Number:
WARNING: Only replace battery with exact manufacturer and manufacturer
part number specifi ed above.
The battery is not completely discharged, therefore DO
NOT short the terminals on the battery with any
Internal Circuit Card Components are extremely sensitive
to electrostatic discharge. Be careful not to touch internal
circuitry prior to discharging any static buildup on your
person. To discharge yourself, touch a grounded metal
object such as conduit or a metal enclosure exterior.
The Battery Cell is mounted in a socket
on the upper right side of the Main Power
Board. Should the battery drop below 2.4
VDC in capacity, the display will illuminate
a Battery symbol on the left margin indicat-
ing a low battery condition. Additionally, the
internal unit fi rmware will set a fl ag indicat-
ing the low battery condition. When the unit
data is next downloaded, the monitoring
facility will be alerted of the low battery
condition and schedule a service call.
Use the following procedure to replace the
Lithium Battery Cell.
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