™ styled engines:
1) Always - route Bank A to cylinders 1&2.
2) Most will route Bank B to 3&4, Bank C to 5&6 as shown.
3) In the event of a Left* (CCW) rotating engine, route Banks
B to 5&6 and C to 3&4.
Always verify proper firing with the Pull-Thru test.
Tip: Penetrating oil and heating the case area around the studs with a heat-gun can make stud
removal and replacement much easier. (Remove rubber cushions before using heat gun.)
Plug Wires
Cylinder Assignments
As with any wasted-spark ignition, E-MAGs fire spark plugs in pairs. Cylinders 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 are
pairs with plug leads connected to both ends of a double ended coil “Bank”. See Appendix 5 for
instructions on fabricating individual trim-to-fit plug wires.
Note 1: The Pull-Thru test [highly recommended] is the best way to verify the installation follows
correct bank (cylinder pair) firing order. This test uses encoder data at the lowest possible
resolution, i.e., pull-thru firing positions cannot be used to check tracking accuracy. During
normal operation, dynamic quadrature counters are used to increase tracking resolution and
Note 2: Ignition Bank firing sequence is A-B-C regardless of the direction of the engine/ignition drive
Note 3: * CW and CCW engine rotation reference
– as viewed from back of engine looking to prop
on the far side.
Note 4: If using strap (Adel) clamps to secure plug leads, make sure the clamps are properly sized.
Reusing clamps for smaller size (previous 7mm aviation leads) wire may be too tight and
crush/compromise the internal silicone insulation layer of our 8mm wire.
Auto Plugs and Adapters
Aircraft engines are typically tapped for 18mm spark plug threads. To use 14mm automotive style
plugs, E-MAG can provide auto plug adapters. There are numerous auto spark plug styles and
temperature ranges available through various outlets. E-MAG has NOT studied the relative
durability or performance of different plug brands and styles. Customers need to monitor plug
condition and evaluate and adjust as necessary. The plugs listed in Appendix A and have a history
of good service.
Set plug gaps at 0.030” to 0.035”.
Bank A
Bank B
Bank C