P a g e
Your E-Lux Bike is equipped with front and rear disc brakes.
Pulling the left brake lever in will apply brakes to the front wheel. Pulling the right
lever in will apply brakes to the rear weel.
Be aware that using too much front brake force can cause the front tire to lock or slide.
To much pressure on the front brake can also cause the rider to to be thrown over the
front hadlebars. Slow down then start your turn.
Always apply pressure to the front brake grdually and use both front and rear brakes at
the same time.
Occasionally the disc brakes may make a slight scraping sound although they are not
being applied. This is normal and is no cause for alarm.
When depressing the brake lever the rider should feel a good bit of pressure pushing
back and the brake lever should not touch the handlebar. If the lever feel easy to
depress or touches the handle bar then the brakes should be adjusted by a qualified
bicycle technician before riding.