Before fi rst fl ights, or in the event of an accident,
make sure the fl ight control surfaces are centered.
Adjust the linkages mechanically if the control
surfaces are not centered.
Use of the transmitter trims may not correctly center
the aircraft control surfaces due to the mechanical
limits of linear servos.
1. Make sure the control surfaces are neutral when
the transmitter controls and trims are centered.
The transmitter sub-trim must be set to zero.
2. When needed, use a pair of pliers to carefully
bend the metal of the linkage (see illustration).
3. Make the U-shape narrower to make the
connector shorter. Make the U-shape wider to
make the linkage longer.
When using a programmable transmitter,
do not use Sub-Trim to adjust the center position
of the servo.
Never set Travel Adjust above 100%.
Ultra Micro servos are unique in that they are
calibrated to reach maximum travel at 100%
travel adjust. Increasing the value above 100%
will NOT result in more travel, but can cause the
servo to lock and will result in a crash.
The illustration shows factory settings for linkages
on the control horns. After fl ying, if you want to
modify control throw, carefully adjust the linkage
positions for desired control response.
The transmitter included with the aircraft is the
same transmitter included in other E-Flite
Ultra Micro RTF models.
1. Ensure the battery is disconnected from the
aircraft and the transmitter is turned OFF.
2. Press and hold the digital trim button for the
surface you would like to reverse.
3. While holding the digital trim button, turn the
transmitter ON.
4. Hold the digital trim buttons down for
approximately 5 seconds until you hear a tone
confirming the selection.
5. Connect the flight battery and complete the
flight control test. Confirm all surfaces operate
in the correct direction.
Reverse Controls
Control Centering
Settings for Control Horns
Rudder Reversed
Rudder Normal
Elevator Reversed
Elevator Normal
The Vapor
Lite HP RTF should not require any servo reversing. Should the Vapor
Lite HP
electronic components be used in another aircraft, you may fi nd it necessary to reverse the operation of
the fl ight control surfaces.