E-flite Apprentice Assembly Manual
13. This completes the radio setup section. You may now
power down your airplane and transmitter. To do this
follow these steps.
A. Unplug the aircraft battery
B. Turn transmitter off.
Center of Gravity
An important part of preparing the aircraft for flight is properly
balancing the model.
Caution: Do not inadvertently skip this step!
The recommended Center of Gravity (CG) location for the
Apprentice is 3
inch (83mm) back from the leading edge of
the top wing. Mark the location for the Center of Gravity on the
bottom of the top wing in the center as shown.
When balancing your Apprentice, support the plane upright
at the marks made on the bottom of the wing with your fingers
or a commercially available balancing stand. Move the speed
control and/or receiver as necessary so the model hangs level
or slightly nose down. This is the correct balance point for your