Revised January 2001
Part No. 001-7780-501
Channel Type
Channel Type Box - Selects the specific system
from which the channel is selected. All programmed
systems are displayed by number and type (conven-
tional, SMARTNET, SmartZone). When a different
channel type is selected, the screen for that type of
channel is automatically displayed.
System Specific Information - With conventional
systems, indicates the frequency of the selected
channel without having to select the Modify box.
Transmit Power
This fixes the transmit power on the channel for
the high or low level or allows it to be switch select-
able (the Hi/Lo Power option switch is then required).
Refer to Section 2.4.10 for more information.
Tx Time-Out
This enables or disables the time-out timer on the
channel. The time-out timer time is programmed in the
conventional system General screen (Section 3.5.2).
Busy Channel Lockout
Off = disabled, Noise = transmit disallowed if
carrier is detected, Tone = transmit allowed with
carrier detected only if correct Call Guard (CTCSS/
DCS) code is detected.
Coded Squelch
This sets the transmit and receive Call Guard
(CTCSS/DCS) coding, if any, used on the channel. If
“None” is selected, no code is transmitted and carrier-
controlled squelch is used when receiving (Section
2.4.6). The standard Call Guard tones and codes are
listed in Table 3-1 on page 3-23.
Off - No ANI signaling is used.
Leading ANI - A DTMF-coded ID is sent at the
beginning of each transmission. This ID is set in the
radio-wide conventional screen (Section 3.4.3).
Trailing ANI - A DTMF-coded ID is sent at the end
of each transmission.
Channel Modulation
This selects if the channel modulation is wide-
band (5 kHz) or narrowband (2.5 kHz).
To program SMARTNET and SmartZone
systems and channels, proceed as follows:
1. Program the SMARTNET/SmartZone radio-wide
information as described in Section 3.4.
2. To create a new SMARTNET/SmartZone system,
select the Systems > Add Systems in the menu bar
(see Section 3.1.11). Up to sixteen systems of any
type can be programmed as described in Section
3. Program the SMARTNET/SmartZone system infor-
mation as described starting in the next section.
Make sure the desired SMARTNET or SmartZone
system is displayed by clicking it in the left pane or
selecting it in the Window menu in the menu bar
(see Section 3.1.9). Then program the channels as
described starting in Section 3.6.8.
The SMARTNET/SmartZone System General
screen is shown on the next page, and it programs the
following parameters:
Restricted Access
Change System ID - Clicking Change System ID in
the left pane or that button in the General screen
displays the Change System ID screen which is used
to enter the system ID of the system. This ID is
entered as a hexadecimal number from 0-9 and A-F.
Valid numbers are from 0001-FFFF. The system ID
corresponding to the desired ID must also be located
in the “key” subdirectory of the program file.