DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
No training images found
Please contact DYSIS Medical service department for
installing the training images.
Restart Application to apply change
After having changed configurations in Settings, a restart
is required.
Restart Application to complete Upgrade
A Software upgrade has been completed and a restart is
Restore and Recover Failed. Please contact
There has been an error in restoring a database.
Restore Completed Successfully
Restoring from a backup database has been completed
Restore Failed: Could Not Open File
There has been an error in restoring a database.
The Visit You are importing has the same
Visit ID and System Serial Number as an
already imported visit. Visit ID and System
Serial Number as an already imported visit.
Please check the database to confirm if the visit you are
trying to import already exists.
There has been a problem trying to Mount
the Network Share. Please check the
Please check again the network configuration path &
press Configure Network Share to confirm that the
network configuration is successful
Use a Browser to access the Printer
Configuration WebPage @ http://
Go to the displayed webpage on a pc/laptop to access
the printer configuration page in order to add a printer
or clear queue.
Replacing the DYSIS Acetic acid applicator
Please follow instructions below to replace the DYSIS Acetic acid applicator.
Press the container upwards from the bottom in order to remove it from the holder.
Hold the container and gently pull the two sides of the T-valve from its holder until the syringe will be
able to be detached from its position.
Press the two pins on the rear end of the connection rod and remove it from its mount.
Follow the above steps in reverse order to place the new DYSIS Acetic acid applicator.
Warranty, Service, Expected Service Life and Recycling
DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope is offered with a one-year full warranty, covering parts and labour.
Customers should contact their local representative for servicing DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope and for
information on service contracts.
DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope has an expected service life (lifecycle) of 10 years from the date that the
system was shipped to the customer. Metal parts, such as the movable base and the pole can be recycled in
metal recycling facilities. Electronic components such as monitor, CPU components and imaging head modules
can be recycled at specialty electronic components recycling stores.