DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
When opening the arms, support must be given to the optical head until the lower
arm is in a ‘V’ position
where it will engage the gas strut. Failure to do this can result in the optical head ‘falling’ a little way, which
could result in damage if it is close to other objects.
Clinician Monitor
The clinician monitor is a touchscreen monitor. It is used during the colposcopic examination to perform the
procedure. (see Section 19 for DYSIS Examination)
Optical Head
The optical head consists of a camera with LED lighting and DYSIS acetic acid applicator system. The speculum
is also attached to the optical head using the coupling adapter.
Camera and Light
The camera within the optical head contains LEDs which provide illumination during the colposcopic
examination and execution of the DYSISmap.