DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope Instructions for Use
0230-53095, Rev 05
Revision Date 05-Mar-2021
Software messages
15 Spray Cycles have completed. Check
Acetic Acid Level
Make sure that there is enough acetic acid & if not,
please refill the container.
All Visit Data/Images will be Discarded.
Press OK to Confirm
A message shown when CANCEL is pressed after a direct
DYSIS Exam. By selecting OK all data of the visit will be
An Error has been detected in the
Camera/Syringe. Please contact DYSIS
When this message is displayed, DYSIS Exam is disabled.
Shut down the DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope and
then start it up again. If message persists, please contact
DYSIS Medical service department
An Error has been Detected: Code: XXXX
Press OK to Shutdown
Please contact Administrator to export logs & forward
the logs to DYSIS Medical service department for
Are you sure you want to delete image?
By selecting OK the selected image will be deleted.
Due to excessive movements, no map will
be calculated
There were too many micro-movements, causing failure
in registration and inability to calculate the map
Failed to Export Report. Can't access
Export Directory
Please check through an administrator account that the
export directory is valid and accessible.
Failed to Export Report. Please Configure
an Export Path in Settings
Please check through an administrator account that the
export directory is valid and accessible.
It has been xx days since the Last
Calibration. Please Calibrate Now
Please contact DYSIS Medical service department to
reconfigure the DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope to the
correct locale
It has been 30 days since the Acetic Acid
Consumables were changed. Please
Change Now
Please change the DYSIS Acetic acid applicator.
No colposcopy directed biopsy sites
indicated. Confirm?
Please contact DYSIS Medical service department to
reconfigure the DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope to the
correct locale
No Final Prediction Selected. Please Select
Prediction to continue
Please press the Final prediction button from the right-
side menu & select the relative value
No Initial Prediction Selected. Please
Select Prediction to continue
Please press the Initial prediction button from the right-
side menu & select the relative value
No map will be calculated. Do you still wish
to Exit?
This message is displayed after having pressed STOP
during the mapping procedure. No map will be calculated
since not enough images were recorded; For the map to
be calculated, please press NO.
No Printer Currently Configured. Please
contact an Administrator.
Please contact the Administrator to check the printer is
accessible and DYSIS Ultra 2.0 Digital Colposcope is
configured for the printer.