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HDX System
General Maintenance Manual, Revision F
System Description and Operation (Section 2) split into 3 sections
(now Section 4: Functional Description and Operation, Section 5:
Major Display Functions, Section 6: System Components).
Section 4.4 Function Control Menu and Section 4.5: Setup Menus
created to better detail menu usage.
SV-EMS-220 EMS Module (Section 2.8) updated to with twin-engine
functionality. Single-Engine Airplanes (Section 6.9.1) and Twin-
Engine Airplanes (Section 6.9.2) created.
COM Control Panel and Transceiver (SV-COM-X83) (Section 2.11
updated for X25 COM radio (now Section 6.10: SV-COM-X25/X83
COM Radio Control Panel & Transceiver).
Yaw Damper Control (Section 6.13.2) created to include Yaw
Damper functionality. Change bars mark updated content.
COM Transceiver & Control Panel (Section 3.11) updated for X25
COM radio (now Section 7.11: SV-COM-X25/X83 COM Radio
Control Panel & Transceiver.
Servos (Section 3.14.1) renamed to Servo Offline Messages (now
Section 7.14.1).
Servo Slip Messages (Section 7.14.2) created.
Change bars in margins mark new or updated content.