HDX System
General Maintenance Manual, Revision F
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2 Introduction
This document provides Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for use by authorized
personnel to maintain the Dynon SkyView HDX System according to Federal Aviation Regulation
(FAR) 14 CFR § 23.1529 and 14 CFR 23 Appendix G.
Document Introduction
The following outline describes the organization of this manual:
Airworthiness Limitations
: Identifies any issues associated with the installation of the
Skyview HDX system, as defined in FAR 14 CFR § 23, Appendix G. G23.4.
System Description and Operation
: Provides an overview of the Skyview HDX system
and components installed by STC SA02594SE. Presents basic control and operation
information specifically tailored to maintenance practices.
Troubleshooting Information
: Provides instructions for troubleshooting SkyView HDX
system and components.
Component Removal and Installation Instructions
: Provides instructions for the
removal and installation of Skyview HDX system components.
Provides information and instructions for the continued airworthiness of the
Skyview HDX system and components.
Document Control
This document is released, archived, and controlled according to the Dynon document control
system. To revise these instructions for continued airworthiness, a letter is submitted to the ACO
with the revision. The ACO then obtains AEG acceptance and approves any revision to
After FAA acceptance/approval, Dynon posts the revised
Maintenance Manual for customer use at
, and STC owners and
installers are notified of the new revision via an official Dynon Marketing email release.
Permission to Use Documents
Permission is granted to any corporation or person servicing a Dynon SkyView HDX System to
use and reference appropriate STC documents to complete the maintenance and show
compliance with STC engineering data. This permission does not construe suitability of the
documents. It is the responsibility of the servicer to determine the suitability of the documents
for continued airworthiness.