polarity is strictly forbidden.
When the equipment is on power and there is no equipment connecting to the V.35
interface, the AIS indicator is on in the transparent mode. This is normal. When the
TD and RD indicators is Flashing, it is normal.
5.3. Placement
The interface converter should be placed in equipment room, which must be kept
clean and air-conditioned.
Please set the clock mode, bandwidth configuration right, bandwidth setting at
the Master side and other parameters according to different connection scheme.
5.4. Test of connection
Make sure that no alarm shows on local equipment
Check if local DTE equipment can process data communication with remote
If the data communication cannot be processed, then test it step by step as follow:
1) Process V.35 port local loop-back test, referring to later part of this manual,
introduction to extended switch setup. If Router indicates success of loop-back test,
the V.35 port is proved in good condition; if Router does not indicate loop-back, first
check clock mode, bandwidth setting of local converter and try to adjust TX CLK and
RX CLK phase select switch.
2) After successfully finishing the first step, check if communication in the E1 link works
properly. If converters work in pairs, and No.0 time slot is not blocked in the E1 link,
then remote loop-back test can be processed. If remote E1 port loop-back test is
successful, then local RLP indicator is on, local Router should indicate successful
3) If Dynamix converter does not work in pairs, then it is required to set parameters of
E1 interface of other brand equipment consistent with settings of Dynamix local
converter. Parameters include PCM30/31 format, CRC enable/disable, matching of
clock mode etc. After these, please pay attention to the engrossment of V.35 data in
frame structure.
4) After finishing the second step (or make sure the settings of the third step is
completely correct), the communication in the E1 link between local and remote side
should be in good condition. In this case, if remote V.35 interface is connected
properly, but it still cannot communicate properly, please adjust the phase option of
TX CLK or RX CLK at remote side.