If the massage chair is experiencing any of the following, stop operating the massage
chair and contact your dealer:
The massage chair does not start when the Main Power Switch is ON
The massage chair power cord is damaged
The massage chair cord becomes unusually hot
The auto timer function is not working
Other failures of the massage chair
If after reviewing the above troubleshooting guidelines and the problem has not been
resolved, contact your dealer. Do not attempt to disassemble or make repairs to the
massage chair on your own as this could void the warranty and also cause possible
The massage chair cover is designed to have the rollers rub up against it. It will
receive wear over time. If you operate the massage chair twice a day for two 15
minute sessions, the life of the massage chair cover is approximately 3 years.
Depending on the user’s weight, size, and frequency of use, this could vary.
Before each use, the massage chair cover should be inspected. It is recommended
that the massage chair cover be inspected by an authorized serviceperson prior to
the third year. Regardless of usage, you should have the massage chair inspected
by an authorized serviceperson after 5 years of use.
Care And Storage
Make sure the massage chair is clear and free of dust. When storing the massage chair, do so
in a dry and non-humid location. You can loosen the magic buckle on the back of the head pad
and fold the massage chair back into the massage chair. This would be the position of the
massage chair when you first received the massage chair out of the box. If the massage chair
is not going to be used for an extended period of time, put a cover over it to protect it from dust
and dirt. Make sure to keep pets away from the massage chair to prevent them from chewing
on the massage chair cover and massage chair cord.