Pilot Operating Handbook
H3 EasyFlyer Sport
Dynali_POH_H3 EasyFlyer Sport Rev. 2.5
– Issue date 30.10.2020 Page
Engine failure during take-off acceleration
Maintain directional control.
Attempt a flare to reduce speed.
Lower the collective.
Make sliding landing.
Engine failure at low altitude and low speed
Left pedal down.
Above 5ft, slightly lower collective.
Use collective to cushion contact with the ground.
If insufficient speed to make a quick stop make sliding landing.
Engine failure above 500ft
Lower the collective completely and immediately initiate autorotation.
Cut the throttle and push the left pedal down.
Maintain the speed around 70 to 100 km/h, with 100% rotor RPM.
Use collective to maintain rotor RPM.
Select landing point facing into wind.
Approaching the ground, act on the cyclic stick to flare and reduce rate of
At around 10ft, push the cyclic forward to bring the machine to horizontal and
raise the collective to halt the descent.
Preferably land into the wind.
The first “hold” is necessary to reduce the rate of descent. A rotor can only
s2.5 to +3G ; beyond this limit, the helicopter risks “passing through”
the flare, i.e. the sink rate is not sufficiently reduced and the machine impacts
the ground.