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Dyaco Canada Inc. 2016
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There is an anatomical figure located at the top of the console. This figure will light all areas that
are activated when using the treadmill. These will light up during any of the programs. You can
control which muscles are activated by changing the incline and swinging your arms. The pre-
set programs will determine which lower body muscles will be activated by automatically
adjusting the incline. Generally the following guidelines hold true:
• The upper body LED’s will light any time your hands aren’t in contact with the pulse grip sensors
• The lower body lights will activate in three degrees of engagement: Green represents minimal muscle
involvement, Amber represents medium involvement, and Red represents full or heavy activation.
• 0-4.5% Elevation: even muscle distribution, all four muscle groups will be Amber
• 5-15% Elevation: Quads are Amber and Glutes, Hamstrings, and Calves are Red
The console will display Pace, Calories burned, Time (elapsed or countdown), Distance
traveled, Pulse, Speed, Incline, Program Name, # of Laps completed, and Segment Time.
There is also a Speed & Incline profile graph that lets you see how hard you have worked and
how challenging the upcoming segments will be.
The console LCD screen will display your current heart rate anytime a pulse is detected. The
Bar Graph, located to the right of the LCD screen, will show your current heart rate % in relation
to your projected maximum heart rate, which is determined by your age that you entered during
the programming phase of any of the 12 programs. The significance of the bar graph colors are
as follows:
• 50-60% of maximum is Amber
• 65-80% of maximum is Amber and Green
• 85-90% or more is Amber, Green, and Red
Twenty columns of boxes (10 high) indicate each segment of a workout. The boxes only show
an approximate level (resistance) of effort. They do not necessarily indicate a specific value -
only an approximate percent to compare levels of intensity. In Manual Operation the resistance
dot matrix
window will build a profile “picture” as values are changed during a workout. The
speed and incline profiles will display half of the program at one time (10 columns). They will
both scroll right to left.
The 1/4-mile track (one lap) will be displayed around the dot matrix window. The flashing
segment indicates your progress. Once the 1/4-mile (Metric - 0.4km) is complete this feature will
begin again. The Lap track will move in a counterclockwise direction. There is a lap counter in
the message window for monitoring your distance.
The Pulse (Heart Rate) window will display your current heart rate in beats per minute during
the workout. You must use both stainless steel sensors on the stationary grips or the heart rate
transmitter chest strap to display your pulse. Pulse value displays anytime the upper display is
receiving a Pulse signal. You may not use the Pulse Grip feature while in Heart Rate Programs.