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Living in an area where antennas are not allowed? DX Engineering has designed a complete
antenna system that will allow Ham Radio Operators living under the shadow of HOA controlled
areas to get on the air easily.
Typically, with even a short 26 foot wire antenna, you can be on the air on all bands 40M and up –
And with the included DX Engineering 45 foot vertical wire antenna element you can be on all
bands 80M - 10M! Every antenna installation is different. In some cases, an excellent, hi-
performance radial system may cause the tuner to have difficulty tuning certain frequencies in the
80 meter band. If this is encountered, the best solution is to install the optional
Meter Tuning Coil (see page 15).
The very low profile Remote Tuning Unit [RTU] is easily hidden - even in small bushes or shrubs -
and the only thing that shows is the wire antenna element which can be very small diameter for a
near-zero visual impact.
This is a complete system including the tuner, MatchBoxx™, stainless steel mounting shelf with
integral radial plate, the radial wire, three patented serpentine insulators and all hardware.
Everything is supplied that you will need for a no compromise installation that will get you on the
air and operating right under their noses.
This system can be used if your shack is on the main floor, basement or any other location as long
as you can run any size coax to the RTU located outside. There are no extra control lines necessary
since the RTU is completely self contained and even the power necessary to run it is carried by the
coax. There is no coax loss due to high SWR since the RTU will automatically match your coax to
the antenna at any HF frequency within seconds.
The included MFJ-927 IntelliTuner™ (RTU) lets you rapidly tune the
antenna automatically.
uses the MFJ-927 Remote Tuner as the central tuning engine, however, there
are certain segments of the amateur bands that even this fine tuner will not be able to tune. That's
where the DX Engineering MatchBoxx™ really shines. The custom engineered MatchBoxx™ was
specifically designed and manufactured to work with the MFJ-927 and the 46 foot vertical element
in a winning combination allowing you to talk to the world on the amateur bands.
MFJ's exclusive InstantRecall™, IntelliTune™ and AdaptiveSearch™ algorithms give you fast
automatic tuning with more than 20,000 non-volatile VirtualAntenna™ memories. The tuner
includes a highly efficient switching L-network with wide matching capability, 1.8 to 30 MHz
coverage, a radio interface port, and heavy-duty 10 amp/1000 volt relays.
The MFJ tuner is rated at 200 watts SSB/CW. Furnished with MFJ-4117 Bias Tee for inserting 12
VDC from your power source (or
power supply) on the coaxial cable to the
remote tuner.