Bora Air
Use all groundfi xing options to
complete the set up propperly. Invest
some extra time to do this and use
all fi xing options and guy lines.
Check the groundfi xing and guy lines
regularly. While temperature and
humidity changes fabric might extend
or shrink. That might have an effect
to the groundfi xing. It becomes loose
or cause damages!
Check pressure in airtubes! Also
air volume in tubes are effected
by changing weather conditions.
Low temperatures let pressure
decrease, tent will be instable. High
temperatures cause higher pressure.
Tubes could burst! Make sure that
air pressure is adjusted to weather
conditions at anytime
fi nd the video clip here:
1. remove roof pole.
2. release all fi xing points, groundfi xing guy lines. Except the
4 corners!
3. Release air pressure from tubes while unscrewing valves or use
defl ating option at pump.
4. remove groundfi xing at the 4 corners.
Before fi nal packing tubes must be completely fl at. Valve shall be
screwed in with just a few turns. Make sure fl ysheet is completely
tent must be completey dry before storage for a longer period.
Choose a dry storage location and do not lay any heavy items on
it while stored!
061443_Aufbau_Bora Air.indd 13
061443_Aufbau_Bora Air.indd 13
04.11.13 08:04
04.11.13 08:04