Operation manual - Spider ILD01G
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rev. 02-15-02-2017
The machine is designed for the mowing of grass on level as well as extremely steep terrain. Any other
use is prohibited. The maximum slope on which the machine may be used depends on the type of area
to be mowed, on the current condition of the area and on the method of mowing:
On well-maintained lawns and gardens:
Maximum slope is 24°
On unkempt and agricultural areas:
Cutting across a slope:
Maximum slope is 30°
Cutting up and down a slope:
Maximum slope is 35°
Cutting across a slope with mower positioned diagonally:
Maximum slope is 40°
For all areas and applications:
Maximum slope is 20°
The Spider is a mulching mower designed for mowing of well-maintained, but also unkempt
or only occasionally mowed areas. The mower is operated by one person using radio control.
The mower may only be operated by authorized persons over 18 years of age both mentally
and physically fit, who are familiar with this Sa
fety, Operator’s and Maintenance Manual and
all applicable regulations and laws pertaining to work health and safety that need to be
observed while operating the mulching mower Spider.