8. Locate the bracket and hardware shown
in the picture.
9. Install bracket on to the tire carrier. This
bracket will line up with the
shaped spot
on the tailgate plate. To line up, loosely bolt
up the bracket and close tailgate. Tighten
the bracket once you aligned it with the
shaped area of the tailgate. Hand tighten
10. Locate the heimed rod ends and hard-
ware shown in picture.
11. Screw the heims together and bolt the
female end to the carrier. To set the other
end length, close the tailgate and tire carrier.
Rotate the male end of the heim to lengthen
or shorten to line up with the bracket on the
tailgate plate like shown in picture. Open tail-
gate and rotate the male end of hiem 1/2
turn tighter and bolt up to tail gate bracket.
Torque bolts for heims to 20lbs.