RMO30T Getting Started
6.5 Duty Cycles
During tests, RMO30T generates a high DC current that heats up the test set. To prevent RMO30T from
overheating, certain duty cycles apply depending on the test current used.
Cooling time between two measurements is proportional to test duration time
A built-in control prevents
skipping these cooling times. If you try to start a test within the cooling period, the display shows "Wait"
and a timer counting down. After the cooling period has passed, start a new test using the set test
parameters by pressing the
C u r r e n t T e s t
Test current
Maximal test
duration time (min)
Cooling time for
maximal test
duration time (min)
5mA, 10mA,
50mA,100mA, 500mA,
1A, 2A, 5A, 10A
60 0
40 5
30A 20
Table 6-23:
Cooling time
between current