Make sure to have entered your CCS7 ID. The DV4mini will not be found
without it.
If you do not have a CCS7 number go to
and click on
Register ID. It can take up to 72 hours until you get your number by email.
After starting and setting up the software one now has a Hotspot for the 70
cm/2 m band and it can be used with any digital radios in the supported
modes. You need a D-Star radio to operate in D-Star or you need a DMR radio
to operate in DMR etc. (unless you have the DV4voice (AMBE)
The picture shows a DV4mini connected to a Raspberry PI 2 Mod. B:
The dongle on the top is a WiFi stick to connect to the internet. Below you can
see the DV4mini. The board also has connectors for a keyboard, a mouse and
a HDMI display. This configuration allows for a low power operation.
A reflector is a server connected to the Internet or HamNET and is linked to a
number of digital Ham Radio repeaters. If one of these repeaters is active it
will send the voice data stream to the reflector. The reflector sends a copy of
these voice data to all connected repeaters. This means that a QSO can be
heard on all those repeaters simultaneously.