DPlus reflectors:
They were the first generation D-STAR reflector system. Although it is getting
old it is still used intensively in a number of countries (mostly english
speaking ones like USA, UK and Canada but even in Germany there are a few
operational). D-Plus reflectors are named REF001, REF002 etc. Simultaneous
QSOs are possible.
DMR reflectors:
DMR reflectors consist of several regional servers that are connected with
each other via a superordinate network. Several nets exist, see earlier in this
text .
In the meantime there are also some cross connections existing that
allow communication beyond one’s net limits.
Net organization (CCS7):
The big number of reflectors, repeaters and also Dongle users (the DV4mini
is a Dongle too) require a structured organization to make the network
technology work properly.
D-Star works with call signs to identify a station. DMR however uses
numbers. That is why it is necessary that an amateur radio station gets a
number assigned in addition to its call sign and that this
call sign/number combination is known to the network.
Every ham can go to the website xreflector.net or dmr-marc.net and request
a 7 digit number to be assigned. This number is then entered into the specific
field on the DV4mini software. The call sign is pulled and a report is sent to
the network to establish worldwide contacts in D-Star or DMR and the use of
D-Star/DMR bridges.