Setup 3
3 - 3
Baud Rates:
Any one of the standard baud rates of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
or 38,400 can be used for the serial network communications. The sequential
display indicates the letter H followed by the baud rate divided by 100. As
shipped I/O PLEXERs are setup for 9600 baud; the sequential display indicates
H096. Changing the baudrate is described beginning on page 3-4.
Protocol handshake types:
Two protocol handshake types are available, 2 pass and 4 pass.
2 Pass
The Host transmits an instruction to an I/O PLEXER. If the
message is correctly received (IE valid address, instruction type,
and correct checksum), the I/O PLEXER executes the instruction
and returns the letter A and a carriage return or, where data is to
be returned, the letter A followed by the data followed by a two
character checksum ending with a CR.
4 Pass
The Host transmits an instruction to an I/O PLEXER. If the
message is correctly received (IE valid address, but not
necessarily the correct instruction type or checksum), the I/O
PLEXER returns an A followed by the echo of the instruction
and does not execute it. If the Host then transmits an E, the
command is executed in the same manner as 2 pass. If the Host
returns any other character to any unit on the network, the
instruction is disregarded.
The sequential display indicates the letter P followed by 2 or 4. As shipped I/O
PLEXERs are set up for 2 pass; the sequential display indicatesP2. The actual
setting of the handshake protocol type into the I/O PLEXER is detailed
beginning on page 3-4.
Network type switch:
The digit after the L in the sequential display represents how the network switch
under the cover plate is set. See page 2-7
The seven segment display will not reflect a switch position
change until power has been cycled to the unit.
Modem Jumpers:
If modems are not being used, the jumpers should remain in place, as shipped, in
a horizontal position (See page 2-9)
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