Installation 2
2 - 7
The three choices for communication connections for I/O PLEXERs are:
Used in RS-422, or RS-485 networks to
extend range 5000 feet between segments.
Also used for RS-232 Host to first unit
link if <50 feet.
Sequential display reads L1
Used in RS-422 or RS-485 networks.
Provides a total network segment range of
5000 feet.
Sequential display reads L2
Last Unit
Must be used in RS-422 and RS-485
networks for the unit most distant from
the Host.
Sequential display reads L3
If there is only one I/O PLEXER in a network it is designated as Last Unit.
For the network layout the sequential display indicates the letter L followed by 1,
2, or 3. As shipped I/O PLEXERs are setup as L3, Last Unit. This change is not
part of the push-button sequence. The displayed value changes from L1 to L2 or
L3 only after the DIP switches under the cover have been set and the unit has
then undergone a power cycle.
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