Microprocessor control
Wall mounted
16 zone protection (across 2 zones)
4 - 20mA signal input
Measuring range 0 - 20% L.E.L. /
0 - 300ppm
IP55 protective rating
EN50194 for explosive gases
EN50291 for toxic gases
3 year guarantee
Duomo is recognised within the gas industry for
providing a comprehensive range of low cost, high
reliability gas detection for many applications. We have
installed and commissioned natural gas and carbon
monoxide sensors in applications such as boiler rooms,
kitchens, car parks, aircraft hangers, factories and
shopping centres. The BX116 is the command centre for
the complete range of Duomo gas sensors. All Duomo
products are manufactured to meet relevant European
Normatives and proposals for explosive and toxic gases.
The BX116 is a wall mounted microprocessor based gas
detector control unit. It can be configured to meet
customer requirements. The following parameters can
be changed using on board DIP switches:
Number of sensors from 1 to 16
Type of gas to be sensed (explosive or toxic)
Main alarm delay period (3 or 20 seconds)
Main alarm relay action (latching or auto-reset)
The BX116 has two plug in terminal blocks. One is for
the incoming mains supply and alarm circuit wiring and
the second is for connecting the sensor wiring. This
reduces the chance of incorrect site wiring. The front
panel has two banks of eight lights indicating, in
rotation, which probe is currently monitoring and a
concentration measured.
When the remote sensor detects the presence of the
target gas a 4 - 20mA signal is sent to the detector,
proportional to the level of gas. The BX116 then
operates a pre-alarm relay - used for remote sirens or
visual indicators. If the level of gas continues to rise then
the second pre-alarm is actuated.
In the case of
explosive gases, when the level of gas reaches 20%
L.E.L., the main alarm relay is activated to break the
electrical supply to the gas safety shut-off valve (SSOV).
The BX116 also has a separate volt-free sensor fault relay
that actuates if the correct return signal is not sensed by
the detector. The BX116 can detect both explosive and
toxic gases.
Carefully read the following instructions prior to
installation of this device. Always keep this pamphlet for
future reference. Ensure that the gas detection system is
wired correctly and is only used for the purpose for
which it is intended.
Duomo gas proving systems
Duomo gas detection
Duomo carbon dioxide sensors
Duomo ventilation interlocks
Are available direct or from all major stockists
BX116 Gas Detector