D U N I W A Y S T O C K R O O M C O R P .
W W W . D U N I W A Y . C O M
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Trouble shooting
If the self-test fails:
run the self-test again by turning the power off and then on again. If it fails again, call Duniway
If fuses burn out:
check to see that the proper voltage has been supplied to the power input module.
If fuses burn out repeatedly call Duniway Stockroom.
If the display comes on dimly and does not indicate the correct pressure, check to see that the
proper voltage has been selected on the power input module.
If pressure readings are unreliable or noisy:
Check the connection to the gauge tube. Check that the gauge tube is clean and not contaminated;
a contaminated or dirty gauge tube can cause erratic readings. Use an ohmmeter to check that
none of the CONVECTRON® gauge pins are shorted to the metal housing of the tube.
If readings at VAC or ATM seem wrong:
A new gauge is calibrated by the manufacturer to be within 5 mTorr of true zero at vacuum, and
within 20 torr at 760 torr. If recovery of factory settings (see
section) does not give
readings which appear reasonable, it is possible that your gauge has become contaminated or
damaged. You may try cleaning the gauge using acetone or TCE (1-1-1 trichloroethane). Be care-
ful when using flammable solvents, so that you do not risk explosion from the flammable vapors.
TELEPHONE: 650-969-8811 TOLL-FREE (U.S. only): 800-446-8811 FAX: 650-965-0764 EMAIL: [email protected]