D U N I W A Y S T O C K R O O M C O R P .
W W W . D U N I W A Y . C O M
18 of 28
To read the stored Set Points
, send a “1” (ASCII value 49) or “2” (ASCII value 50) to read Set
Point 1 or Set Point 2. Output is in the same format as for pressure readings. An added digit shows
whether the Set Point is active (system pressure is lower than the set point, and the set point relay
is energized); this digit is “0” when the set point is not active (set point relay is off), and is “1”
when the set point is active (set point relay is on).
To read the units of measure
, send a lower case “u” (ASCII value 117); this returns “torr” or
“mbar” depending on the units selected.
To read the type of Convection Gauge Selected:
Send “x” (ASCII value 120); the 906A returns
the type of convection sensor tube selected, either HPS/MKS CEP or Granville Phillips 275 Con-
, as in the following example:
To read the Model Number and Revision Level:
Send “v” (ASCII, value 118); the 906A re-
turns “906 ver 1.20”
N. Serial RS-232 Cable for PC Computer
Figure 8: Serial RS-232 Cable for PC Computer
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