Moving off
1) Disengage the clutch by squeezing the control lever.
2) Push down the gearchange lever firmly with the tip of
your foot to engage first gear.
3) Raise the engine revs by turning the throttle twistgrip
while gradually releasing the clutch lever. The
motorcycle will start moving.
4) Release the clutch lever completely and accelerate.
5) To change up a gear, close the throttle to reduce the
engine revs, disengage the clutch, lift the gearchange
lever and release the clutch lever.
To change down, proceed as follows: release the twistgrip,
pull the clutch lever, shortly speed up to help gears
synchronize, shift down and release the clutch.
Use the controls intelligently and opportunely: when riding
uphill, change down immediately when the motorcycle
begins to slow down to avoid abnormal strain on the
motorcycle frame and the engine.
Avoid sudden acceleration, as this may lead to
misfiring and transmission snatching. The clutch lever should
not be held in longer than necessary after a gear is engaged,
otherwise friction parts may overheat and wear out.