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SIP Intercom System
Guest: the door phone would be ringing for incoming call, if the auto answer had been
Valid for user access rules (including RFID, access code, etc) within corresponding time
section. If NONE is selected, it would be taken effect all day.
Virtual extension number, used to make position call instead of real number.
It might be taken with unit number, or room number.
User Phone Number
Fwd Number
Call forwarding number when above Phone Num is unavailable.
Profile Setting
There are 4 sections for time profile configuration
Profile Name
The name of profile to help administrator to remember the time definition
If it were yes, the time profile would be taken effect. Other time section not included in
the profiles would not allow users to open door
Start Time
The start time of section
End Time
The end time of section
EGS Logs
According to open event log, can record up to 1.5 w open event, after more than cover the old records.
Right click on the links to select save target as the door log can export CSV format.
Field Name
Door Open Log
Show the results of the open the door (Success or Failed)
Open the door of time.
Duration of open the door.
Access Name
If is the open the door for slot card or remote, will display remote access the name.
Access ID
1. If open the door way to brush card shows card number
2. If the door way to open the door for the remote display the phone number of the
3. If open the door way to open the door for local, no display information.
Open type: 1. local, 2. Remote, 3. Brush card (Temporary Card, Valid Card and Illegal