5. Built-in watchdog timer continually monitors line card
microprocessor operation.
6. “Cold boot” option, to set the receiver’s configuration to
standard default programming.
7. Built-in storage for one current and one backup system
8. Big Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), with contrast easily
9. Supports a higher security level for more security protection.
10. The data output to the printer/computer can be examined
on the Liquid Crystal Display.
11. Built-in buzzer is automatically silent if a successful
communication with the CPM2 occurs as normal, or if
the “mute buzzer” option is selected.
Power and Supervision
The MLR2-DV requires 16V
, 40VA
75VA, from a 115V
or 230 V
50/60 Hz transformer. The receiver is equipped
with 12V rechargeable standby battery connections and an
automatic battery charger.
The standby battery voltage and connections are supervised.
The Line Cards are also continuously supervised to ensure
uninterrupted communication with the CPM2. Any trouble
conditions are reported on the LCD screens and may be
sent to the printer and the computer.
The printer is supervised for loss of power, off-line, paper
out and other trouble conditions. The communication link to
the computer through the RS232 port can be monitored by
the supervisory “heartbeat” test transmissions.
Central station automation software packages such as:
support the Sur-Gard interface. The receiver also provides
a basic communication protocol similar to the RADIONICS
6500 interface for other software packages that have yet to
be updated to include the Sur-Gard interface.
CPM2 Outputs
The CPM2 features three switched-negative outputs. One
output labelled “OPTION” has a corresponding LED on the
CPM2 front panel; the factory default programming slowly
flashes the OPTION LED when the “OPTION” output is
activated. Switched negative outputs are also provided for
the Acknowledge and Trouble LEDs.
The MLR2-DV unit consists of a CPM2 Central Processor
Module and a DVL2A Receiver Line Card Module. Additional
DVL2A Line Cards may be added to enable the CPM2 to
monitor up to 14 line cards. The MLR2-DV includes many
features, all designed to make the receiver more powerful
and easier to use.
The MLR2-DV’s real-time clock and calendar “stamps” all
information received with the time and date, and all information
is displayed on the receiver’s LCD screens and may be
printed or forwarded to a computer. To ensure security,
adjustment of the clock, calendar and other programming
is protected by password codes.
The CPM2 Central Processing Module oversees operation
of the receiver. Along with its built-in keypad and LCD
message screen, the CPM2 features both a printer and
computer interface.
The CPM2 features a 256-event nonvolatile memory buffer.
The buffer may be examined on the LCD screen or printed.
If the printer or computer is off-line, the CPM2 will retain
events in the buffer and will automatically send the events
to the computer or printer when communications are restored.
Each SG-DVL2A module contains 2 line cards. The main
function of each line card is to continuously poll the pad
and report their alarms to the CPM2. Also, in the event of
a failure to communicate with the CPM2, each line card is
capable of functioning independently by manual interaction
with the central station operator. Each line card has its own
unique identification code which allows it to be identified
by the CPM2. Each line card in a module can store 256
different printer alarm messages and 256 automation computer
alarm messages in memory.
Principal Features
The SG-DVL2A has many options which are fully
programmable by sending commands from the CPM2 or by
using the SG-DVL2A push buttons.
1. Stores up to 256 printer alarm messages and 256 computer
alarm messages for subsequent display during CPM2
trouble period.
2. Multiple alarms are sent to the computer and printer via
CPM2 with minimal delay.
3. Monitors the pad with carrier detect. If a pad error occurs,
the receiver displays, prints the message and sends a
special code to the computer.
4. Automatically goes to stand-alone mode in case the CPM2
is removed for program updating.