representing the initials of the operator, may be assigned
to each Password to help in identifying the operator.
When this option is entered, a cursor will appear beneath
the first character in the 4-digit Password. Enter a new
Password using the 0 through 9 and the A through F keys.
To enter the operator’s initials, use the [0] and [1] keys to
scroll forward or backward through the alphabet. When the
desired letter is displayed, press the [Enter] button; the
cursor will move to the next character. To move the cursor
to the previous character, press the [Backspace] button.
When the Password and initials have been entered, press
the [Escape] button; the next Password will be displayed.
When all Passwords have been programmed, the display
will advance to the next Configuration Option.
Option 03: Change the Number of Line Cards
Option [03] is used to set the number of Line Cards polled
by the CPM2. Press the [ACK] button when the “03: Numb
of Lcard” message is displayed; this message will be displayed:
#LnCard Attached
E Change to: x
Enter a number from 1 to E to indicate how many Line
Cards, from 1 to 14, are to be polled by the CPM2. When
the new number is entered, press the [Enter], [Backspace],
or [Escape] button; the screen will then display the next
Configuration Option.
Option 04: Select Printer Function
Option [04] determines how the printer connected to the CPM2
will operate. Press the [ACK] button when the “04: PrinterSelect”
message is displayed; this message will be displayed:
Prter Config As:
Bkup:0 Enable:1
Enter a digit from 0 through 1 for both “Bkup” and “Enable”
according to the chart below:
Bkup Enable
Printer Operation
Bypass printer
Enable printer (default setting)
Enable printer only if COM1 is in failure
If “Bkup” is programmed as “1”, messages will only be
sent to the printer if an acknowledge signal is not received
from COM1.
When using the Star 8340 printer, the CPM2 is able to print
in both red and black. If an IBM-compatible printer is selected,
the CPM2 will print in black only.
When programming is complete, press the [Escape] button;
when the [Escape] button is pressed, the next Configuration
Option will be displayed on the screen.
Option 05: COM1 Configuration
Option [05] determines the baud rate, data bits and parity
to be used on COM1. Press the [ACK] button when the “05:
Com#1 Config.” message is displayed; this message will
be displayed:
Com#1 Config As:
Br:12 Da:7 Pa:2
Br: Baud Rate
for baud rate
Da: Data Bits
Enter a number from 7 through 9 to indicate
7, 8, or 9 data bits.
Pa: Parity
for parity
no parity
odd parity
even parity
Note that the stop bit is fixed at 1.
When programming is complete, press the [Escape] button;
when the [Escape] button is pressed, the next Configuration
Option will be displayed on the screen.
Option 06: COM1 Communication Format
Option [06] determines the communication format to be
used on COM1. Press the [ACK] button when the “06: Com#1
Format” message is displayed; this message will be displayed:
Com#1 Format is:
1 Change to: x
Enter a number from 0 to 4 to select one of the following:
COM1 disabled
Sur-Gard format (default setting)
Sur-Gard format with common event code "A"
Sur-Gard format with header 01 Hex.
Sur-Gard Clock Signal format
When programming is complete, press the [Enter],
[Backspace], or [Escape] button; when a button is pressed,
the next Configuration Option will be displayed on the screen.
Option 07: Wait Time for Acknowledge on COM1
Option [07] determines the acknowledge wait time, in seconds,
to be used for COM1. Press the [ACK] button when the “07:
ACK Wait Time” message is displayed; this message will
be displayed:
<ACK> Wait Delay
4.0S Chg to:x.xS
Enter a decimal number from 4.0 to 9.9. Use the [Enter]
and [Backspace] buttons to move the cursor forward or
backward when editing the acknowledge time.
When programming is complete, press the [Escape] button;
when the [Escape] button is pressed, the next Configuration
Option will be displayed on the screen.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended not to change the
default setting (4.0 sec.) unless it is recommended by a
Sur-Gard representative technician.
Option 08: Heartbeat Time for COM1
Option [08] determines at what time interval, in seconds,
the supervisory “heartbeat” transmission will be sent to COM1.
The “heartbeat” transmission is used to ensure that
communications through COM1 are functioning normally.
Section 8