7.1 F7 Line Card Options Programming:
Line Card-F7-Option-Code
The F7 Options Programming command is used to change
various operating parameters for the Line Card. Reporting
Codes, the Line Card number, buzzer operation and other
features. Also functions may be changed using the F7
Refer to the example illustrated in “Entering Commands” in
the “DVL2A Programming Commands” section of this manual.
Option [00]: Common Event Code and Library Selection
Some central station software packages are unable to process
the alarm using the event codes listed in the DVL2A Decoding
Library. Where a central station monitors thousands of
accounts belonging to different companies, the same reporting
codes may have different meanings between companies.
Option [00] may be programmed as follows:
Use Individual Event Codes to computer,
with Library enabled on the printer
Use Individual Event Codes to computer,
without Library on the printer
20, 30-39
Use Common Event Codes (space, 0-9, A-Z)
and 41-5A without Library on the printer.
The “Space” character (Hex 20) can be used as the common
event code with certain automation software packages to
avoid account code database changes when switch over
from other brand receivers to Sur-Gard receiver.
Option [01]: Communication Select
If the MLR2-DG Receiver is not to be used with central
station automation software and a computer, program Option
[01] as “00”.
If the MLR2-DG is to be used with central station automation
software, program Option [01] with one of the values listed
No communication to computer
Alarms communicated to computer.
Option [02]: Printer Enable: Communicate Information
to Printer Through CPM2
If a printer is not used with the MLR2-DG, program Option
[02] as “00”.
If a printer is to be used with the MLR2-DG, program Option
[02] with one of the values listed below:
Printer not selected
Printer selected
Option [03]: Receiver Number
The Receiver Number is used for sending signals to the
central station software. This number should be the same
for all DVL2A Line Card modules connected to the same
Refer to the manuals for any central station automation
software being used to determine if there are any special
requirements for this number. Also, check the numbers used
for any other receivers in the station to ensure that numbers
are not duplicated.
Option [04]: Line Card Number
The Line Card Number provides a unique identification code
for each Line Card in the DVL2A module. Since the CPM2
can be connected to a total of 14 Line Cards, it is very
important to program a unique code for each of the Line
Cards. Failure to do so will cause “clashes”, where two Line
Cards answer the same CPM2 polling message at the same
time. Hexadecimal numbers “01” to “0E” can be programmed
in Option [04] to identify Line Cards 01 through 14.
Option [05]: Caller Identification (Call Display) Option
Option [05] allows the Line Card to receive Caller Identification
data that is transmitted in the Call Arrival block.
Program “01” to enable this feature, or program “00” to
disable it. The “Call Display” service must be available and
requested from the Telephone Company for this feature to
be operational.
Program Option [36] with one of the following:
No reception
Normal reception operation
Option [06]: Send Caller-Identification (Telephone
number) to Computer
The DVL2A can send the Caller-Identification numbers to
the computer. If the telephone number is not received, the
Caller Identification information will not be sent to the
To use Option [06], Option [05] must be programmed
as “01”.
Program Option [06] with one of the following:
Do not send Caller Identification
Send Caller Identification for every call
Note that option [05] must be programmed as “01”.
Option [07]: Send Caller Identification to Printer
To use Option [07], Option [05] must be programmed as
Program Option [07] with one of the following:
Do not send Caller Identification to printer
Send Caller Identification to printer
Option [08]: Mute Buzzer
Operation of the Line Card’s buzzer may be programmed
as follows:
Buzzer sounds for CPM2 Error, or if an Alarm
occurs during a CPM2 error
Buzzer does not sound for any events
Option [09]: Last Message On
When Option [09] is enabled, the last alarm message will
be retained on the Line Card display screen until a new
signal is received. Program Option [09] as “01” to enable
this feature, or as “00” to disable it. If Option [09] is disabled,
the standby message described in Section 1.4 will be
displayed when communication of an event is completed.
Option [0A]: Equivalent Line
Option [0A] is used when an incoming signal can be received
on another receiver telephone line if the original line is
busy. Information printed and/or sent to computer will indicate
that the information was received on the same telephone
line. The receiver number does not change. Program 00 at
Option [0A], or a number from 01 to 0E.
Section 7