‘global off’ command. All the light modules included in the global command option would
be turned off.
Turn Option [03] ON to include the X-10 module in the global command group. Turn
Option [03] OFF to exclude the X-10 module from the global command group.
Turn Option [04] ON to enable dimming.
Option [05] is not used for manual control. It only applies if the X-10 module is being used
in conjunction with schedules or outputs. Leave it OFF.
Turn Option [06] ON so that the light will remain on until told to turn off.
The Escort can be programmed to announce different words when an X-10 module is acti-
vated/deactivated. Depending on the application, turn Option [07] or [08] or [09] ON. Only
turn ON one of these options. In the case of lighting, it is logical for the Escort to announce
‘on’ and ‘off’.
Turn Option [07] ON so that the Escort5580 will announce the light is on and off when acti-
Turn Option [08] OFF.
Turn Option [09] OFF.
Step 5
Escort Section [132] – all options should be OFF
Step 6
Escort Section [133] – all options should be OFF
Step 7
Item #01 Schedule/Output Condition – Escort5580 Section [134]
Enter data [00] to disable schedule/output control.
Step 8
Program Additional X-10 Modules.
NOTE: Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each X-10 module on the system. The programming
sections are identical, but the Section numbers are different for each. The same decisions
will have to be made for the programming of each X-10 Module on the system.
The user will be able to turn on or off individual lights on the system from a touch-tone
phone using the [*] [5] command.