Application 5: Simulated Home
The Escort5580 can be programmed to turn lights ON and OFF at intervals, in such a
manner as to simulate the type of activity that might occur if the home were occupied.
General Program-
For this application, we will program the Power832’s PGM 03 to signal a Latched System
Event to the Escort Module.
No additional programming is required in the Power832.
For this application, we will use both Automation Item #01 and Automation Item #02 .
Make the following programming entries:
Step 1
First System Options – Escort5580 Section [002] – Option [3] ON
Turn Option [03] ON to enable Home Automation.
Step 2 (Optional)
Number of Automation Transmissions – Escort5580 Section [007]
Program the number of on/off transmissions to be sent for each command.
Step 3
Program Schedules
Set up eight different schedules (Schedule 1, Schedule 2, etc., through Schedule 8). Fol-
low the procedure used in Application 1.
Step 4(a)
Escort5580 Section [130] – Item [01] – House Code & Unit Number
(Assuming that this is the 1
module on the System, it is defined as Item #01.)
Referring to your notes (Module Information), program the three digit code (from Appendix
B) equivalent to the letter and number corresponding to the ID code selected for the
X-10 light module (i.e. [A1] = [000]).
Step 4(b)
Escort5580 Section [135] – Item [02] - House Code & Unit Number
(Assuming that this is the 2
module on the System, it is defined as Item #02.)
Referring to your notes (Module Information), program the three digit code (from Appendix
B) equivalent to the letter and number corresponding to the ID code selected for the
ond X-10 light module (i.e. [A2] = [001]).
Step 5
Escort5580 Section [131] and [136] – Enter. Options 1, 5, 6 and 7 should
be ON.
Step 6 (a)
Escort5580 Section [132] – Options 1, 3, 5 and 7 should be ON. (Module 1
follows schedules 1,3,5 and 7.)
Step 6 (b)
Escort5580 Section [137] – Options 2, 4, 6 and 8 should be ON (Module 2
follows schedules 2,4,6 and 8.)
Step 7
Escort5580 Section [133] and [138] - ALL options should be OFF
Step 8
Escort5580 Section [134] and [139] – Enter [02] (Follow schedule only)
The lamp connected to X-10 Module #1 will turn ON and OFF as per the times pro-
grammed in Schedules #1, #3, #5 and #7. The lamp connected to X-10 Module #2 will turn
ON and OFF as per the times programmed in Schedules #2, #4, #6 and #8.