Section 3: Keypad Commands
Use any system keypad to enter commands and/or program
the PC1555MX security system. The LED keypad uses func-
tion and zone indicator lights to represent alarm functions and
status. The LCD keypad provides a written description on the
liquid crystal display and uses function indicator lights to
communicate alarm status to the user.
The PC1555MX
Instruction Manual
provides basic directions
for arming and disarming the system, bypassing zones and
performing user functions from the keypads. The following
sections provide additional details on these functions.
Arming and Disarming
For a description of basic arming and disarming, please see
the PC1555MX
Instruction Manual
. For other methods of arm-
ing, please refer to
“[*][0] Quick Arm”
“[*][9] Arming Without
Entry Delay”
and 3.5
“Function Keys”
The event buffer will log “Armed in Stay Mode” or
“Armed in Away Mode” whenever the system is armed.
In an attempt to prevent false alarms, the
Audible Exit Fault
will notify the user of an improper exit when they arm their sys-
tem. If a non force-arming Delay 1 or Delay 2 type zone is left
open at the end of the exit delay, the entry delay will begin
immediately and the bell or siren will sound a steady alarm for
the entry delay period. At the end of the entry delay period, if
the system has not been disarmed it will go into alarm. This
feature can be turned OFF in programming section [013],
option [6]. (see 5.17
“Arming/Disarming Options”
Auto Bypass – Stay Arming
Stay Arming allows the user to arm the system without leaving
the premises. All zones programmed as Stay/Away will be
bypassed when the user stay arms the system, so that the
user does not have to bypass interior zones manually (see
“Zone Programming”
When the system is armed using a valid access code, if any
zones on the system have been programmed as Stay/Away
zones, the Bypass light will turn ON. The panel will then moni-
tor all zones programmed as Delay 1 and Delay 2 zones, such
as designated entry/exit doors. If a delay zone is not violated
by the end of the exit delay, the panel will bypass all Stay/
Away zones. The Bypass light will remain on to inform the user
that the interior zones have been automatically bypassed by
the panel. If a delay zone is violated during the exit delay, the
system will arm in Away mode and all Stay/Away zones will be
active after the exit delay expires.
The user can arm the stay/away zones at any time by entering
the [*][1] keypad command (see
“[*][1] Bypassing and Acti-
vating Stay/Away Zones”
). Stay Arming can also be initiated
by pressing and holding the Stay function key for two seconds
on the PC5508Z and LCD5500Z keypads, if programmed by
the installer. For more information regarding Stay arming,
please see 3.5
“Function Keys”
Automatic Arming
The system can be programmed to auto-arm at a specific time
every day if it is in the disarmed condition. In order for the
auto-arm function to work properly, you must program the cor-
rect time of day. For programming the clock and auto-arm
times, see
“[*][6] User Functions”
When the system’s internal clock matches the auto-arm time,
the panel will check the system status. If the system is armed,
the panel will do nothing until the next day at the auto-arm
time, when it will check the system again. If the system is dis-
armed at the auto-arm time, the panel will sound the buzzer of
all keypads for one minute. If the
Bell Squawk During Auto
option is enabled (section [014], option [2]), the bell will
squawk once every 10 seconds while the system is auto-arm-
ing. If a valid access code is entered, auto-arming will be
If auto-arm is cancelled, the number of the user who
cancelled the auto-arm will be logged in the event buffer.
If no code is entered, the panel will auto-arm. If a zone is vio-
lated, the panel will transmit a Partial Closing reporting code –
if programmed – to indicate to the central station that the sys-
tem is not secure. If the zone is restored, the panel will add the
zone back into the system.
Auto-arming can only be cancelled by entering a valid
access code at any keypad.
[*] Commands
The [*] key commands provide an easy way for the user to
access basic system programming – such as programming
access codes or bypassing zones. The user can also use the
[*] key commands to check on the system’s status, including
viewing trouble conditions and displaying the event buffer on
the LCD keypad.
The [*] key commands can be performed from both LCD and
LED keypads. The LED keypad uses the zone indicator lights
to display command information. The LCD display provides
written information, guiding the user through each command.
The commands in this section are explained as viewed from
an LED keypad. When using an LCD keypad, use the arrow
keys (< >) to scroll through information provided. Otherwise,
the functions remain the same for both keypad types.
[*][1] Bypassing and Activating Stay/Away Zones
Use the [*][1] keypad command to bypass individual zones. A
bypassed zone will not cause an alarm.
Zones can only be bypassed when the system is not
If the
Code Required for Bypass
option is enabled (section
[015], option [5]), only access codes with the bypass attribute
enabled will be able to bypass zones. (see 5.1
Security Codes”
If the
Bypass Status Displayed While Armed
option is cho-
sen, the Bypass light will be ON while the system is armed to
indicate any bypassed zones see 5.17
When you disarm the system, all manually bypassed
zones will be unbypassed.
Activate Stay/Away Zones
If the system is armed in Stay mode, the [*][1] command can
be used to activate the Stay/Away zones.
[*][2] Trouble Display
The panel constantly monitors itself for several different trou-
ble conditions. If a trouble condition is present, the Trouble
light will be on and the keypad will beep twice every 10 sec-
onds. The trouble beep can be silenced by pressing any key