GSM/GPRS Alarm Communicators
System (GS3125 series only)
This section refers to the System.
SIM Phone Number: Enter the telephone number of the Communicator’s SIM CARD (maximum 16 digits).
Auto Clock Adjusting: Checking this option the device will update the system date and time by sending an SMS itself.
SMS Service Center Address: This is a read-only option. It shows the number of the SMS services centre on the SIM CARD.
Pay As You Go (GS3125 series only)
The pre-paid SIM CARD credit management service may be suspended at any time, at the discretion of each
individual GSM network operator.
This section can be used to send an SMS providing credit balance information (supplied by the operator) to the first number
in the phonebook at regular intervals. Program the following options for a correct credit balance check request, in accordance
with the type of operator used:
Enquiry Type: selection of enquiry type (SMS, Call, Service Command).
Enquiry Number: telephone number to call or to which an SMS message should be sent in order to request credit balance information.
Balance Message: string used to send SMS messages and to make requests via service commands.
Interval: Enter the interval (HH-DD) at which you wish to send a perodic SMS containing credit balance information (if
supported by your telephone operator). The interval consists of the following values:
— (HH) next message time - Select the time at which you wish to send the next periodic SMS. The interval for these
values may be set between 0 and 23.
—- (DD) next message day - Select the day on which you wish to send the next periodic SMS. The interval for these
values may be set between 0 and 365.
Outputs(GS3105 series only)
This section may be used to set the operating modes of the outputs.
Output 1, Output 2, Output 3: Check the box for output operation normally closed or normally open.
Output 3 ON Time: The ON time in seconds may be entered in this field (between 0 and 86400 seconds).
Primary Path
The user can program the primary communication line.
Primary Path: Select the primary GSM or PSTN line using this field.
This page outlines the GPRS configuration options.
Bearing in mind the delays which may occur in transmission via GPRS, which are caused by the activities of the
network manager, we recommend you program as many call attempts to the burglar alarm control panel as
possible, and that you also provide a backup telephone number which transmits alarms via GSM as well as via GPRS.
Access Point Name 1 and Acces Point Name 2
Enter the Access Point Name of the GPRS service provider being used. Enter the name of the IP address service provider
in this box. Access Point Name 2 is considered a backup parameter.
WARNING: make sure to enter the correct APN for WAP/GPRS access - otherwise some functions may be
limited (for more information, please contact your service centre).
Main Receiver, Local Port 1 and Alarm Port 1 IP address
Enter the primary receiver IP addresses and port numbers. For Sur-Gard SYSTEM III and SYSTEM II enter the IP address
and the port listed in the Alarm Port section.
Example for Italian operators
Enquiry Type
Service Command
Enquiry Number
Balance Message