G l o s s a ry
Access code
A 4- or 6-digit code you enter on the keypad to turn your system on or off, or to
use other system features.
When a zone is violated (e.g., a smoke detector detects smoke, a motion detector
senses movement, a door with a contact is opened), it will trigger an alarm.
Intrusion (burglary) alarm:
An alarm triggered by an intrusion detector (e.g.
motion detectors, glassbreak detectors, door/window contacts). Usually occurs
when the system is on. Intrusion alarms sound with a steady siren.
Fire alarm:
An alarm triggered by fire, smoke or heat detectors. Fire alarms may
be triggered at any time, whether the system is on or off. Fire alarms sound with a
pulsing siren.
Voice notification by the NT9010 of a variety of system conditions.
Audible exit
A feature that warns you of an improper exit (e.g. door not completely shut) when
you attempt to turn on your system. Helps to prevent false alarms.
Away arming
Turning on the system so that all the detectors (perimeter and interior) are on.
(Used when everyone is away from the premises.)
Bypassing a
Turning off a detector temporarily. When you bypass a zone, the detector for that
zone will not monitor activity in the zone and will not be able to trigger an alarm,
until the system has been turned off, then on again.
If remote monitoring is enabled, your system will send alarms, troubles and emer-
gency messages to the central station. If necessary, the central station will then
notify authorities in your area.
A part of the system that can detect and report problems (e.g. a motion detector
can tell if there is movement in a room).
A message sent to the central station when one of the 3 pairs of emergency keys
) is pressed and held for two seconds. Your installer must program
these keys, or they will not work. Units will have either (
) or (
) keys.
Entry time
A timer programmed by your installer. It starts when you enter an area of the sys-
tem that is on. You must enter an access code to turn the system off before the
timer runs out, or else an alarm will be triggered.