• A good plan emphasizes a quick escape. Do not investigate or attempt to fight
the fire, and do not gather belongings or pets as this wastes valuable time.
Once outside, do not re-enter the house. Wait for the fire department.
• Write the fire escape plan down and rehearse it frequently so that should an
emergency arise, everyone will know what to do. Revise the plan as conditions
change, such as the number of people in the home, or if there are changes to
the building’s construction.
• Make sure your fire warning system is operational by conducting weekly tests
Here is a list of the various trouble conditions that your system
might announce:
on page 19). If you are unsure about system operation, con-
tact your installing dealer.
• We recommend that you contact your local fire department and request further
information on fire safety and escape planning. If available, have your local fire
prevention officer conduct an in-house fire safety inspection.