Droper used ambulatory with flow rate monitored by a flow regulator –
Possible with 1000 ml crystalloids bags –
Air purge through the reverse
purge technique
for the same reason as above in point
(drip chamber
becoming horizontal or vertical during moving the animal), the drip
chamber and the infusion bag will have to be totally air purged by using
the reverse purge technique (see aside drawing) and the flow regulation
will be done through the mean of a flow rate regulator.
Infusion line with air catching system and with an extension
between the spike
and the drip chamber (see aside drawing) like the AirCatch™ infusion line from
the Beldico Company. With this accessory, there is one possible
Droper used residentially or ambulatory with flow regulation
through the drip chamber – Possible with all flexible
crystalloid bag sizes up to 1000 ml –
Classical air line
the Droper can be used vertically (hanged) or
horizontally (laid down) with its drip chamber
directed downward (see aside drawing).
For safety reason, any infused animal transfer with a classic infusion line
between two stable positions, should be done while switching off the
infusion if infusion line can’t be guaranteed being kept vertical end side
down. Not necessary with AirCatch.
2.1 Opening the cover
See handling diagrams opposite.
Position the Droper Vet on a flat, stable surface.
Place your hands on the non-
slip grip areas provided on
either side of the cover.
Place your middle finger of
each hand underneath the left
and right opening levers.