Dremel Accessories
Bristle Brushes
T h e s e a r e e x c e l l e n t c l e a n i n g t o o l s o n
silverware, jew elry and antiques. The three
shapes make it possible to get into tight
corners and other difficult places. Bristle
b r u s h e s c a n b e u s e d w i t h p o l i s h i n g
compound for faster cleaning or polishing.
Brushing Pressure
1. Remember, the tips of a wire brush do
the work. Operate the brush with the
lightest pressure so only the tips of the
wire come in contact with the work.
2. If heavier pressures are used, the wires
will be overstressed, resulting in a wiping
action; and if this is continued, the life of
the brush will be shortened due to wire
3. Apply the brush to the work in such a way
t h a t a s m u c h o f t h e b r u s h f a c e a s
possible is in full contact with the work.
Applying the side or edge of the brush to
the work will result in wire breakage and
shortened brush life.
Polishing Accessories
These include an impregnated polishing
point and an impregnated polishing wheel
for bringing metal sur faces to smooth finish;
a felt polishing tip and felt polish ing wheel,
and cloth polishing wheel, all used for
polishing plastics, metals, jewelry and small
p a r t s . A l s o i n c l u d e d i n t h i s g r o u p i s a
polishing compound (No. 421) for use with
the felt and cloth polishers.
P o l i s h i n g p o i n t s m a k e a v e r y s m o o t h
surface, but a high luster is obtained using
f e l t o r c l o t h w h e e l s a n d p o l i s h i n g
c o m p o u n d .
F o r b e s t r e s u l t s p o l i s h i n g
accessories should be used at speeds not
greater than 15,000 RPM.
No polishing compound is needed when
using the 425 Polishing Wheel.
Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Wheels
Use to remove paint, deburr metal, polish
stainless steel and other metals. Available in
medium grit. 1/8" shank.
Sanding Accessories
Sanding bands in fine, medium and coarse
grades are made to fit mandrel No. 402 and
EZ407. They can be used for nearly any
small sanding job you might have, from
model making to fine furniture finish ing. In
addition, there is the drum sander, a tiny
drum which fits into the Rotary Tool and
makes it possible to shape wood, smooth
fiberglass, sand inside curves and other
diffi cult places, and other sanding jobs. You
replace the sanding bands on the drum as
they become worn and lose their grit. Bands
come in fine medium and coarse grades.
F l a p w h e e l s g r i n d a n d p o l i s h f l a t o r
Excessive pressure can cause wire breakage.
Wire tips doing the work.
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