Remove servos and securely re-install using a drop or two of medium instant glue, thin double-sided tape, or
low-temperature hot glue.
Press the servo wires and extensions neatly into the provided channels. If you have chosen the Wing
Reinforcement Decal option (Part DFLB111), apply this now. Otherwise, apply a piece of clear packing or
office tape over each servo and extension wires.
Wing Decal Tip:
For easier application of Wing Reinforcement Decal, mist
the foam wing surface with a spray bottle to allow decal to "float" into position. Use a spray solution of 4 drops of dish soap per
quart, or liter, of water. Once decal is in position, use a combination of your fingers, cloth, or a very soft squeegee to apply pressure
from the middle to the edges (this will remove the solution and allow adhesive to come into contact with foam).
Prepare two clevises by folding sides together,
creating a slot where the pushrod will be clamped.
With clevis folded, install small clamping screw
through each clevis. Do not tighten screw at this point.
Slide clevis onto end of each aileron pushrod. You
may have to loosen clamping screw slightly to allow
clevis to slide onto pushrod end.
Insert wire "Z-Bend" side of each aileron pushrod into
outermost (second) hole of servo arms.
Adjust and install clevises to align with outermost hole
of aileron control horns.
With aileron servo arm centered, center and align
aileron flight surface with wingtip. Adjust clevises as
necessary and tighten clamping screws until pushrod
is secure. Do not over-tighten clamping screw; when
properly tightened, tip of screw should only protrude
slightly from side of clevis.