User Manual for LoRaWAN End Nodes - LHT65N LoRaWAN Temperature & Humidity Sensor Manual
So, we can use AT+TIMESTAMP=1611889405 or downlink 3060137afd00 to set the current time 2021 – Jan --
29 Friday 03:03:25
2.6.3 Set Device Time
There are two ways to set device's time:
1. Through LoRaWAN MAC Command (Default settings)
User need to set SYNCMOD=1 to enable sync time via MAC command.
Once LHT65N Joined LoRaWAN network, it will send the MAC command (DeviceTimeReq) and the server will
reply with (DeviceTimeAns) to send the current time to LHT65N. If LHT65N fails to get the time from the server,
LHT65N will use the internal time and wait for next time request (AT+SYNCTDC to set the time request period,
default is 10 days).
Note: LoRaWAN Server need to support LoRaWAN v1.0.3(MAC v1.0.3) or higher to support this MAC command
feature, Chirpstack,TTN V3 v3 and loriot support but TTN V3 v2 doesn’t support. If server doesn’t support this
command, it will through away uplink packet with this command, so user will lose the packet with time request for
TTN V3 v2 if SYNCMOD=1.
2. Manually Set Time
User needs to set SYNCMOD=0 to manual time, otherwise, the user set time will be overwritten by the time set by
the server.
2.6.4 Poll sensor value
User can poll sensor value based on timestamps from the server. Below is the downlink command.
Page 21 / 56 - last modified by Bei Jinggeng on 2022/07/06 13:48