the PLC is the center of the HPVC control panel . the PLC
interprets the signal from the probe, sets the timing of the
pumping sequence, monitors for common problems, and
provides diagnostic feedback to an operator the ensure
maximum reliability and up-time . Very little physical
interaction with the PLC is required as most common
adjustments to the pump are made from the exterior of the
control panel . During normal operation; the PLC display
will display the discharge timer value, probe value, and
pump status .
the discharge timer value is the amount of time (in
seconds) that the pump will spend in discharge mode
after receiving the signal from the probe . the discharge
timer value can be easily adjusted with the potentiometer
located on the right side of the control panel . the
discharge timer has a maximum value of 10 seconds and
a minimum value of 1/10th of a second .
the probe value is a measure of continuity of the product
being pumped, measured between the tip of the probe
and the reservoir tube . the range has a maximum value
of 1024 and a minimum value of 0 . typically, a very low
number indicates that the probe is not in contact with
the product being pumped (reservoir tube is empty) .
typically, a high number would indicate that product is in
contact with the probe (reservoir tube is full) . In the above
figure a value of 2 is being displayed meaning that the
pump is empty of product .
the pump status alerts the operator to the current status of
the pump . the status will change from “off” to “suction”
or “discharge” depending on the position of the run/purge
switch (located on the right side of the control panel) and
the pumps current position in the pumping sequence . the
status will indicate “waiting” when downstream control
of the pump is used and product is no longer needed
from the pump .
the adjustable probe
During operation, certain products can coat the sensor
probe creating false inputs to the control panel and
causing poor performance . Periodic cleaning of the sensor
probe may be required in certain applications to maintain
reliability . to decrease the frequency of cleanings, the
HPVC control panel has an adjustable probe set point . this
set point can be changed on the fly to offset the effects of
product build-up on the sensor probe during operation .
to adjust the probe set point, follow these steps:
Write down the probe value (displayed on the PLC)
1 .
when the reservoir tube of the pump is empty . use the
manual discharge switch to ensure the pump is empty .
this value should be close to zero . A reading higher than
0 (ex . 100) indicates that the probe has some fouling
and that the set point can be adjusted to compensate .
An extremely high reading while the pump is empty
(ex . 500) indicates that the probe is heavily fouled and
should be cleaned before proceeding . After recording
this value proceed to step 2 .
Write down the probe value when the reservoir tube
2 .
of the pump is full and the probe is in contact with the
product . to accomplish this, watch the PCL display, use
the run switch to jog the pump until the probe value
jumps significantly (ex . 600) . this indicates the probe
has made contact with the product being pumped .
record this number and proceed to step 3 .
using the two numbers you’ve written down, subtract
3 .
the low value from the high value and divide the
remainder by two . the quotient is our new probe set
point . record this number and proceed to step 4 .
From the PLC display, press the info button and release .
4 .
A new screen will be displayed requiring a password
to proceed . enter the password “3433” then press the
enter button and release .
S e c t i o n 5
s u g g E s T E d o P E R A T i o n & M A i n T E n A n c E
the plc:
– Timer Value
– Probe Value
– Pump Status
– Info Button
– Enter Button
s u g g E s T E d i n s T A L L A T i o n