S e c t i o n 1
c A u T i o n s — R E A d F i R s T !
TemperaTure LimiTs:
–12.2°C to 82.2°C
10°F to 180°F
4.4°C to 104.4°C 40°F to 220°F
Note! Probe head must not exceed 82.2°C 180°F.
Consult factory for high temperature applications.
Verify the chemical compatibility of the
process and cleaning fluid to the pump’s component
materials in the Chemical Resistance Guide (see
Wilden publication E-4).
When choosing pump materials, be sure to
check the temperature limits for all components.
Maximum temperature limits are based
upon mechanical stress only. Certain chemicals
will significantly reduce maximum safe operating
temperatures. Consult engineering guide for chemical
compatibility and temperature limits.
Prevention of static sparking – If static
sparking occurs, fire or explosion could result. Pump,
piping, and containers must be properly grounded
whenever discharge of static electricity is a hazard.
DO NOT OperaTe pump WiTHOuT prOper
It is very important that the control panel
is properly grounded for safe and proper operation.
Do not reverse the hot and neutral wire under any
circumstance. Unit may cause severe electric shock if
used or installed improperly.
Disconnect all power sources prior to
opening control panel. Never operate pump without
control panel lid securely closed.
Vibration and shock to the control panel
should be avoided.
Unit is designed to be powered by 110 VAC
or 220 VAC only. The control panel incorporates an
automated transformer that can handle the following
power supply options: 110V AC - 50Hz, 110V AC - 60
Hz, 220V AC - 50 Hz, 220V AC - 60 Hz.
The Saniflo™ VC pump is not submersible.
Mount control panel where it is not directly in the wash
down area.
Always wear safety glasses when operat-
ing pump. If rupture of wetted components occurs,
material being pumped may be forced from pump and
may create a hazardous situation.
Before any maintenance or repair is
attempted, the compressed air line to the pump should
be disconnected and all air pressure allowed to bleed
from pump. Disconnect all intake, discharge and air
lines. Power down the control panel and disconnect it
from electrical source. Drain the pump by disconnecting
the hopper, sanitary tubing, fittings and check valves
allowing any fluid to flow into a suitable container.
Do not exceed 8.6 Bar (125 psig) air supply
pressure. Minimum air supply pressure required for
operation is 1.7 bar (25 psig).
Blow out air line for 10 to 20 seconds
before attaching to the regulator mounted to the con-
trol panel.
Only install pump as per the installation
diagram (see section 5).
Ensure that hopper is not higher than top
of vertical column. When pump is unpowered liquid will
seek its own level and cause damage to controls.
When connecting the pump to any type of
hopper, never place flex hose into the hopper from the
topside. The hopper should always be connected to the
pump from the bottom using sanitary tubing and fittings.
Tighten all clamp bands at regular intervals
to ensure product containment. Fittings may loosen
due to vibration.
In certain applications the Saniflo™ VC
pump may have to be primed to start the pump.
Applications that may require priming include breast,
thigh meat, tenders and other extremely thick prod-
ucts. The pump can be primed by placing a plastic bag
over the discharge port of the pump.