CAUTION: Before any maintenance or repair is attempted,
the compressed air line to the pump should be discon-
nected and all air pressure allowed to bleed from pump.
Disconnect all intake, discharge, and air lines. Drain the
pump by turning it upside down and allowing any fluid to
flow into a suitable container.
The Wilden single-piece manifold pump models are air-
operated, double-diaphragm pumps with all wetted parts
molded in PTFE PFA
. The single-piece center section,
consisting of center block and air chambers, is molded
from glass-filled acetal on conductive models. All fasteners
and hardware are stainless steel. The primary diaphragm
is constructed of PTFE. All wetted sealing o-rings are
PTFE encapsulated Viton
on the UP
. The standard air
distribution system is used on the UP
. All o-rings used
in the pump are of a special material, and should only be
replaced with Wilden factory-supplied parts.
Tools required to perform maintenance on the Model
P1 pump are: 3/16-inch, 5/16-inch and 9/16-inch Allen
wrench, 7/16-inch wrench, two open end adjustable
wrenches, and an o-ring pick.
PLEASE read all directions before starting disassembly.
Before actual disassembly is started, turn pump upside
down and drain all liquid trapped in the pump into a suitable
container. Be sure to use proper caution if liquid is corrosive
or toxic. Mark each liquid chamber to its respective air
chamber for easy alignment during reassembly.
P1 PTFE PFA Construction
S e c t i o n 5
S I N G L E - P I E C E M A N I F O L D D I S A S S E M B L Y / R E A S S E M B L Y
Summary of Contents for Wilden Original P1
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