OPW products should be used in compliance with applicable federal, state, provincial, and local laws and regulations. Product selection should be
based on physical specifications and limitations and compatibility with the environment and materials to be handled. OPW MAKES NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR USE. All illustrations and specifications in this literature are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. OPW
reserves the right to make changes at any time in prices, materials, specifications and models and to discontinue models without notice or obligation.
Dry Disconnect – Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Read and understand these
instructions before starting installation or dismantling:
Prior to connecting the coupler to the adaptor, lift the
coupler using both hands: place one hand underneath
the coupler
and the other on the handle
Lift the coupler, angling the mating end upward
Bring the coupler towards the adaptor mating end at that
upward angle, where the coupler’s jaw would engage the
bottom of the adaptor’s nose first
Once the jaw is engaged to the bottom of the nose,
bring the body of the coupler in line with the adaptor
by using the handle and push to engage the clamp
to the top of the adaptor’s nose
To lock the connected system in a closed position, view
the connected system from the top, where the coupler
is on the left and the adaptor is on the right, turn the
handle counterclockwise until the lock engages